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Peter Mandel Update

  • Esogetics USA PO Box 853 San Anselmo CA 94979 USA (map)
Peter Mandel Update Seminar: June 28 - 29th

Peter Mandel Update on New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Developments in Esogetic Medicine

Since 2020 we’ve been fortunate to have an English translation of Peter Mandel’s yearly Updates. This year’s Update seminar will once more deal with a multitude of new conclusions in the diagnostic application of the EEA, Iris diagnosis and visual assessment. Peter Mandel and Markus Wunderlich will discuss the latest diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in combination with their clinical experience as they have done before.

Another key topic will be the introduction of a new hierarchy of therapies and their assignments in Esogetic medicine. This new hierarchy is designed to clarify the relationship between diagnosis and therapy,and thus facilitate the selection of appropriate therapeutic protocols.

Peter and Markus will illustrate these correlations and the applicable selection of therapeutic concepts by emphasizing the use of case histories.

Topics included:

  1. The Tree of Life:
    The Wheel of Wholeness
    The Points of Regeneration

  2. New Findings in regard to the Prefrontal Cortex
    Extended therapy of the line of the central and autonomic nervous
    The lines of the PFC in connection with the Blastema lines

  3. The phenomena of the pupil and their correlation to the spinal column known as the soul axis.

  4. The zodiac signs of the Pain Clock in connection with the Zodiac signs on top of the skull, Tephereth and the heels.

  5. Expansion of the Zone of Attachment

  6. A new hierarchy of diagnosis and therapy.

  7. Case histories

Live schedule:

Saturday 6/28/25 9am-12.30pm and 2pm-5pm EU central time.
Sunday 6/29/25 9am- 12.30pm EU central time.

Seminar location:

Quadro City Hotel Karlsruhe, Mendelsohnplatz 76131 Karlsruhe
Email: use keyword: Esogetics
Phone: +49 (0) 721-37170

If you wish to attend live please email me and I can give you information.

Online attendance with a link supplied after signing up.
Recording available shortly after the seminar.