to Mar 23

Transmitter Relays Seminar Webinar



The Transmitter Relays remain one of the most profound therapeutic developments and an important aspect of the work.

The Relays are a series of points laid out in concentric circles on the head and body. It is conceptualized that the life script which is activated at birth is encoded here. Here we also release stored memories of past experiences including time in the womb, birth, early childhood, and future potentialities. When we treat points on these Relays it can cause long-buried memories to the surface into consciousness to be released.

Peter has said that the Transmitters provide “provide extraordinary access to the deeper layers of one’s being”.

No matter their complaints, patients report noticeable improvements in their symptoms and changes in their perspective on their lives through these therapies.

In this class we will work mainly with the original Relay of Memories. We will also explore the Genital and Immune Relays which are valuable for immune and sexuality issues. The Transmitter sessions are a wonderful way to stimulate new creative movement in people’s lives

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to Apr 6

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 1 (2025)


In this segment of the Training students are introduced to a series of Evaluation techniques used to determine treatment protocols. Systems used include: the tongue, facial physiognomy including a detailed reading of the lips, iris and conjunctival reading. We will also look in detail at a pressure testing method for the fingertips, feet and back segments for assessing organ capacity. These methods are based on German naturopathic systems with special reference to Peter Mandel’s main mentors including Joseph Angerer and Anton Magraff.

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to Apr 13

Advanced Certification Module 9 2024-2025


Fire patterns are differentiated into Active, Neutral and Passive aspects. Active Fire is connected with issues of the brain, head, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth and sexuality. On the psychological level Active Fire is connected with the loss of inner vision and over orientation to the outer world. The head opposes the gut and Beta brain waves predominate. Neutral Fire is for spine and digestive functions in regards to metabolism and gastrointestinal complaints. Also problems with obesity and allergies.

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to Apr 20

Working with Death and Dying


Traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine hold views unique from Western medicine on the nature of signs of death and in the treatment for patients at the time of death. Western medicine uses physiological phenomena to identify signs of dying. Chinese medicine believes signs of dying can be summarized as different symptom complexes and doesn’t lay emphasis on single symptoms. If signs of dying are observed in patients, Chinese physicians continue to treat the source of disease laying emphasis on clarity of mind, which enables the body to protect itself from outside invasion and improve symptoms.

The Esogetic therapies presented in this seminar integrate well with Chinese and Tibetan approaches by supporting the clarity of the consciousness of the client and releasing unresolved emotions as a client moves into the death process.

In this weekend seminar we will:

  • Introduce a comparative view of Western, Chinese and Tibetan signs which indicate dying and theoretical approaches to care for dying which align with the Esogetic approach.

  • Discuss research regarding the electromagnetic field produced by necrotic radiation, containing energy, internal structure and information which may permit the continuation of consciousness beyond death of the body.

  • Share key questions around personal death awareness and mourning for use with clients.

  • Demonstrate a series of Esogetic therapies to calm the client, relieve pain, release fears and process unconscious emotions in the dying period.


Andrew Holochek has written that:

“Death is nothing to be feared but something to be understood. Aging is a preliminary practice for death: our dreams help us prepare and meditation is death in slow motion.”

I have wanted to create a process for a while for Practitioners to explore their own relationship with death using Esogetic therapies which they can then share with others. The ideas for seminar will be based on a training that Peter Mandel created in the late 1990’s looking at various themes that present themselves in the recognition of our mortality.

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to May 4

Kirlian II


In this Module Practitioners learn to identify the specific stages of the birth process and ages in childhood where conflict stresses or trauma may have occurred. We look at related blockages such as Focal Intoxication, Retromolar lymphatic congestion and the gut brain.  

Students also learn how to track organ system signs in the photo and understand their physical and psychological implications. Through these methods Practitioners learn to identify the energetic patterns left in the body by psychological and spiritual forces that act within us and upon us.

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to May 18

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 2 (2025)


In this weekend we will begin studying treatments and methodology for hormonal Endocrine imbalances. Students will be introduced to the theory of Endocrine autonomic dysregulation which has sympathetic and parasympathetic aspects and can eventually trigger functional disturbances of the organs. The person may be clinically healthy but I have problems like blood pressure, headaches, insomnia, menopause or premenstrual symptoms, dizziness, acidity and gastrointestinal stress, cold or clammy extremities. Treatments also support regulation of emotional states such as anxiety, restlessness, mood alterations and depression.

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to Jun 1

Advanced Certification Module 10 2024-2025


Active Earth covers all parts of the Lymph in the head: smell, neck, shoulders, tonsils, sense of taste, larynx glands, mouth. Issues of untreated Focal Intoxication have relevance. Neutral Earth: is concerned with issues of the Large and Small Intestine, digestion in general, Spleen and Peritoneum. Diseases such as Irritable bowel syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, and Crohn’s disease are discussed.

The Passive Earth Element: metabolic disturbances, toxic accumulation, mesenchymal debris accumulation, tendency toward stone formation, gout and pain due to organ degeneration. Pain tendencies include Rheumatism and pain due to organ degeneration.

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8:30 AM08:30


Esogetic I Ching Therapies (1 Day)

“To be aware of the situation in which one finds oneself and the consequences that may grow out of it must be the aim of every person who wants to guide their life rather than merely drift with the current. Search for this knowledge by way of oracles has occurred in all times. Modern psychology has shown us the substructures of the human psyche that are the source of our strivings to see meaning and order in what is apparently coincidental. Out of this grows our conscious attempt to fit ourselves into the content of this order, so that, in the parallelism between what is without and what is within us, the position and course of the one may also be meaningful for the other.”

Richard Wilhelm “Understanding the I Ching.”

Through many years of research Peter Mandel has developed a treatment system projecting hexagrams of the I Ching onto the skin. In his research on the I Ching Peter Mandel has studied current thought on Quantum Physics, chaos theory and genetics and applied these understandings to a new view of the I Ching.

One of Peter Mandel’s motives has been to transcend symptomatic medicine and to work with the deeper conflicts behind illness. Peter Mandel has said that disease is a symbol and that to be fully alive we need to understand and grasp our symbols. The I Ching is a powerful ancient system of symbolic wisdom useful for understanding the conflicts and resultant stasis that lies behind illness. Peter Mandel has connected the 64 Hexagrams to the 64 strands of the DNA.

The treatments in this seminar are used for therapy resistant illnesses and can also be used for anyone interested in making a deeper connection with themselves. By placing the I Ching symbols on the body we activate the inherent knowledge they contain of a coherent idea of the cosmos and we use the Grey Crystals to clear any blocks in reestablishing this connection. 

Practitioners will also learn a simple way of calculating their personal I Ching symbols. These symbols can be given to and used by clients.

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to Jun 22

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 3 (2025)


The topic for this weekend is Toxic/Lymphatic disorders and all diseases related to focal toxicosis. Treatments are aimed at creating a reaction in the Lymph to regulate acute or chronic inflammations, sudden or chronic pain in the spine, joints or organs, or the poisoning of the body by a focal point in the teeth, tonsils, sinus, ears or one of the lymph centers.

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8:30 AM08:30

Peter Mandel Update

Peter Mandel Update Seminar: June 28 - 29th

Peter Mandel Update on New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Developments in Esogetic Medicine

Since 2020 we’ve been fortunate to have an English translation of Peter Mandel’s yearly Updates. This year’s Update seminar will once more deal with a multitude of new conclusions in the diagnostic application of the EEA, Iris diagnosis and visual assessment. Peter Mandel and Markus Wunderlich will discuss the latest diagnostic and therapeutic considerations in combination with their clinical experience as they have done before.

Another key topic will be the introduction of a new hierarchy of therapies and their assignments in Esogetic medicine. This new hierarchy is designed to clarify the relationship between diagnosis and therapy,and thus facilitate the selection of appropriate therapeutic protocols.

Peter and Markus will illustrate these correlations and the applicable selection of therapeutic concepts by emphasizing the use of case histories.

Topics included:

  1. The Tree of Life:
    The Wheel of Wholeness
    The Points of Regeneration

  2. New Findings in regard to the Prefrontal Cortex
    Extended therapy of the line of the central and autonomic nervous
    The lines of the PFC in connection with the Blastema lines

  3. The phenomena of the pupil and their correlation to the spinal column known as the soul axis.

  4. The zodiac signs of the Pain Clock in connection with the Zodiac signs on top of the skull, Tephereth and the heels.

  5. Expansion of the Zone of Attachment

  6. A new hierarchy of diagnosis and therapy.

  7. Case histories

Live schedule:

Saturday 6/28/25 9am-12.30pm and 2pm-5pm EU central time.
Sunday 6/29/25 9am- 12.30pm EU central time.

Seminar location:

Quadro City Hotel Karlsruhe, Mendelsohnplatz 76131 Karlsruhe
Email: use keyword: Esogetics
Phone: +49 (0) 721-37170

If you wish to attend live please email me and I can give you information.

Online attendance with a link supplied after signing up.
Recording available shortly after the seminar.

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to Jul 13

Advanced Certification Module 11 2024-2025


Later in the weekend we will begin looking at the Air Element: Active Air covering nervous system issues in the arms, brachia and hands and via the link to the Limbic finger emotional aspects of I-You- WE.

 We’ll also look at the aspects of Neutral Air connected with Kidney diseases and filtering of inner stimuli. Passive Air which is connected overuse of energy, and permanent overuse of the brain which leads to cerebral dysfunctions especially in the Thalamus and Medulla operative in systemic diseases and diseases of the spinal chord.

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to Aug 3

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 4 (2025)


In this Module we begin to look at the Degenerative energy pattern where we encounter signs of physical and psychological rigidity, stasis and loss of dynamism.

Signs of this syndrome include hyperacidity, de-oxygenation and sleep irregularities that may disrupt cellular regeneration. The pattern is connected with phobias, fears and internal conflicts.

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to Aug 17

Advanced Certification Module 12 2024-2025


We finish the training with the Water Element. Overall the Water Element is connected with emotional Focal intoxications. Chief therapeutic concerns are issues with the breasts and related hormonal issues as well as work with Addiction. Also poisonings due to recreational and medical drugs and resulting physical and psychological damage. We conclude the Training with the Certification Test. When you pass the test, you will receive official Certification as an Esogetic Colorpuncture Practitioner from the International Mandel Institute in Zurich, Switzerland.

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to Aug 24

Kirlian III


This Module builds on the information presented in Module I & II and focuses in more detail on reading the specific emotional and psychological issues in the individual axis of the fingers. The art of reading the photo is in recognizing the connections between these individual aspects as a part of the entire gestalt between the body, mind and spirit and learning how to integrate this soul-level understanding into the selection of the right Esogetic therapies.

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to Sep 14

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 5 (2025)


In Module 5 we continue with the exploration of the Degenerative Pot. In this weekend we’ll look at therapies that work on the material aspects of the Degenerative pattern. We’ll address the five Organ function circuits and especially treatments for working these circuits via the teeth, ears, levels of the spine and treatments on the body.

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to Nov 9

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 6 (2025)


This Module we will examine the relationship between the basic patterns and individual attachment conflicts. This includes understanding theories of memory re-traumatization and the Limbic brain, assessment of prenatal stress and trauma, mother/father issues, and conflict resolution treatment.

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to Mar 9


Online Introduction to Esogetic Colorpuncture

14 CEU’s for NCCAOM, CA Acupuncture

This two -day online seminar is designed for Professional healers and lay people to give them a comprehensive overview of the Esogetic system. We will look at theories behind the use of light and color and present specific treatments that students can immediately begin to use in therapy practice or for self-healing.

The Introductory class is a prerequisite for the online Esogetic Certification training series.

The topics covered in this weekend include:

· Theories of color application and balancing. Latest research regarding the effects of light and color on the body and psyche.

· A presentation of Peter Mandel’s healing paradigm which includes an understanding of the relationship between information, energy and matter.

· An introduction to the energetic stages of disease and related treatments to support the body with hormonal balancing, detoxification, and regeneration.

· Simple home use therapies to support the body’s natural healing processes in regards to nervous system stress, colds and brochitus, spinal relaxation, pain and headaches, immune strengthening and learning problems.

· Experience Mandel’s Esogetic sound therapies

“We know today that man is essentially a being of light and the modern science of photobiology is proving this. In terms of healing the implications are immense. We know now that light can initiate or arrest cascade like reactions in the cells and that genetic cellular damage can be virtually repaired,within hours, by faint beams of light. We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life but we can say emphatically that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.”

Dr Fritz Albert Popp Biophysicist.

If you have questions about the classes please feel welcome to contact me via email to: This class is a prerequisite for the Professional Certification Training.

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to Mar 2

Advanced Certification Module 8 2024-2025


In this Module we’ll continue with the Ether Element covering therapies to work on disorders that are multi-causal and therapy resistant. Emphasis is placed on unlocking background patterns and on the physical level the intention is to activate the flow of energy/information in the body by opening the enteric brain.

We’ll cover Bardo therapies, Attachment therapies and advanced Conflict treatments.

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to Feb 23

Kirlian I


Kirlian EEA Seminar I provides a general overview of how we read the Kirlian photo at the body, soul and spirit levels. We start with a history of Kirlian photography and then begin at the physical level and study the basic EEA topography and ways to identify the specific radiation types (Endocrine, Toxic, Degenerative) including their special phenomena. Practitioners will also learn how to identify and treat irregularities related to brain rhythm, polarity, and laterality in the photo. Finally, we will look at a key method called the Start Destination strategy used to identify core early attachment blockages in the photo. These issues may be a part of the background dress contributing to the development of an illness.

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8:30 AM08:30

Working with Depression and Anxiety in Children

Working with Depression and Anxiety in Children

When speaking about therapies for children Peter Mandel has referenced the work of neuro-psychiatrist Professor Teicher and his team stating that all feelings and experiences of the pre-natal time are stored in the Limbic brain from the sixth week of pregnancy. Subsequently abuse experiences, psychological traumas without the use of violence, blows to the head or sexual abuse affect the Limbic system, Corpus Collosum and the temporal lobes of the brain and these experiences condition the development of hemispheric specialization in the brain.

While adverse fetal and early child experiences can lead to physical and chemical disruptions in the brain that can last a lifetime, children are not doomed to poor outcomes. Development is a highly interactive process, the environment in which one develops before and soon after birth provides powerful experiences that can chemically modify certain genes in ways that define how they are expressed. In-fact severe neglect appears to be at least as great a threat to health and development as physical abuse. Children who have been traumatized need to be in environments that restore their sense of safety, control and predictability and they require therapeutic care to facilitate their recovery.

In this seminar we’ll extend on the therapies presented in Fausto Pagnamenta’s wonderful book “Children in the Light” to present some new possibilities for working with children to help restore their capacity to adapt and thrive in spite of adversity through interactive supportive relationships, biological systems and gene expression.

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to Feb 2

Online Introduction to Colorpuncture Esogetics


14 CEU’s for NCCAOM, CA Acupuncture

This two -day online seminar is designed for Professional healers and lay people to give them a comprehensive overview of the Esogetic system. We will look at theories behind the use of light and color and present specific treatments that students can immediately begin to use in therapy practice or for self-healing.

The Introductory class is a prerequisite for the online Esogetic Certification training series.

The topics covered in this weekend include:

· Theories of color application and balancing. Latest research regarding the effects of light and color on the body and psyche.

· A presentation of Peter Mandel’s healing paradigm which includes an understanding of the relationship between information, energy and matter.

· An introduction to the energetic stages of disease and related treatments to support the body with hormonal balancing, detoxification, and regeneration.

· Simple home use therapies to support the body’s natural healing processes in regards to nervous system stress, colds and brochitus, spinal relaxation, pain and headaches, immune strengthening and learning problems.

· Experience Mandel’s Esogetic sound therapies

“We know today that man is essentially a being of light and the modern science of photobiology is proving this. In terms of healing the implications are immense. We know now that light can initiate or arrest cascade like reactions in the cells and that genetic cellular damage can be virtually repaired,within hours, by faint beams of light. We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life but we can say emphatically that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.”

Dr Fritz Albert Popp Biophysicist.

If you have questions about the classes please feel welcome to contact me via email to: This class is a prerequisite for the Professional Certification Training.

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to Jan 26

Advanced Certification Module 7 2024-2025


In the Advanced Modules of the Certification training we present a series of relevant symptomatic therapies that are organized by Elemental patterns into categories: Ether, Fire, Earth, Water, Air. These are described via bodily and psychological correspondences, disease and pain tendencies.

We will also begin with the Element Ether covering spinal Information Barrier therapies and OGT therapies for genetic patterns

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to Dec 8

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 6 2024-2025


This Module we will examine the relationship between the basic patterns and individual attachment conflicts. This includes understanding theories of memory re-traumatization and the Limbic brain, assessment of prenatal stress and trauma, mother/father issues, and conflict resolution treatment.

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8:30 AM08:30

Comprehensive Pain Therapies Webinar Series: Module III


More people are suffering from chronic pain than from cancer, heart disease and diabetes combined. Chronic pain is complex and there’s no one source of pain: multiple factors contribute to it. Pain is a central issue in all therapy practices and people’s experience and tolerance of pain is  a very personal one.

In Esogetic Colorpuncture we work with three levels that are evaluated and used in the treatment of chronic and acute pain.

1. The Holographic level involves the grid nets in the brain and treated through the skull somatotopies.

2. The Lymph level in which the issue of focal intoxication is central and which can be tested through the Toxic test points.

3. The emotional level relating to blocks in the Amygdala. At this point the shock to the system is no longer a physical trauma but an issue of memory reprogramming the ANS. There are ways in Esogetics to test if this is a factor.

In this four-day class I’ve brought together material from the 2005 Certification Training, the current Certification training and various Pain webinars and updates to create a comprehensive description of the Esogetic approach to the theory and treatment of pain. 


In Module III I’ll be introducing specific therapies for individual levels of the spine and an Esogetic interpretation of Chinese scalp acupuncture for joint pain. We’ll also look at the Esogetic Cosmic clock therapies and applications of the Esogetic crystal discs in pain therapies.

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to Nov 3


Online Introduction to Esogetic Colorpuncture

14 CEU’s for NCCAOM, CA Acupuncture

This two -day online seminar is designed for Professional healers and lay people to give them a comprehensive overview of the Esogetic system. We will look at theories behind the use of light and color and present specific treatments that students can immediately begin to use in therapy practice or for self-healing.

The Introductory class is a prerequisite for the online Esogetic Certification training series.

The topics covered in this weekend include:

· Theories of color application and balancing. Latest research regarding the effects of light and color on the body and psyche.

· A presentation of Peter Mandel’s healing paradigm which includes an understanding of the relationship between information, energy and matter.

· An introduction to the energetic stages of disease and related treatments to support the body with hormonal balancing, detoxification, and regeneration.

· Simple home use therapies to support the body’s natural healing processes in regards to nervous system stress, colds and brochitus, spinal relaxation, pain and headaches, immune strengthening and learning problems.

· Experience Mandel’s Esogetic sound therapies

“We know today that man is essentially a being of light and the modern science of photobiology is proving this. In terms of healing the implications are immense. We know now that light can initiate or arrest cascade like reactions in the cells and that genetic cellular damage can be virtually repaired,within hours, by faint beams of light. We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life but we can say emphatically that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light.”

Dr Fritz Albert Popp Biophysicist.

If you have questions about the classes please feel welcome to contact me via email to: This class is a prerequisite for the Professional Certification Training.

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to Oct 27

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 5 (2024)


In Module 5 we continue with the exploration of the Degenerative Pot. In this weekend we’ll look at therapies that work on the material aspects of the Degenerative pattern. We’ll address the five Organ function circuits and especially treatments for working these circuits via the teeth, ears, levels of the spine and treatments on the body.

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7:30 AM07:30

Comprehensive Pain Therapies Webinar Series: Module II


More people are suffering from chronic pain than from cancer, heart disease and diabetes combined. Chronic pain is complex and there’s no one source of pain: multiple factors contribute to it. Pain is a central issue in all therapy practices and people’s experience and tolerance of pain is  a very personal one.

In Esogetic Colorpuncture we work with three levels that are evaluated and used in the treatment of chronic and acute pain.

1. The Holographic level involves the grid nets in the brain and treated through the skull somatotopies.

2. The Lymph level in which the issue of focal intoxication is central and which can be tested through the Toxic test points.

3. The emotional level relating to blocks in the Amygdala. At this point the shock to the system is no longer a physical trauma but an issue of memory reprogramming the ANS. There are ways in Esogetics to test if this is a factor.

In this four-day class I’ve brought together material from the 2005 Certification Training, the current Certification training and various Pain webinars and updates to create a comprehensive description of the Esogetic approach to the theory and treatment of pain. 


In Module II we will be primarily focusing on pain as an issue of focal intoxication and studying relevant lymphatic therapies.

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8:30 AM08:30

Point Location Class Series - Class 7

Lung Colon Meridian


8.30AM- 12.30PM

This six-part class series is a great class for students who are attending the Certification Training or are studying Esogetics but don’t have a basic training in the acupuncture meridians of Chinese medicine. We will make a detailed study of the 12 main meridians of Chinese medicine and spend some time as well with the Eight Extraordinary Meridians which Peter Mandel also uses in his work. Our special focus will be on the points on each channel used by Peter Mandel.

We look at the Chinese meanings of the points and also Peter Mandel’s view based on his own research and the work of De La Fuye and Gerhard Bachman a famous European scientist and acupuncturist who Peter Mandel bases his point understanding on. By looking at the integration of these sources we can all gain a more nuanced appreciation of the meaning of the points and how the treatments work.

In the Point Location series, we make a detailed study of the Chinese meridians with a special focus on the points used by Peter Mandel on each channel.

We look at the meanings of the Chinese points and also the meanings assigned by Peter Mandel based on his own references in the works of Dr. Roger De La Fuye and Gerhard Bachman scientist and acupuncturist.

By looking at the integration of these various resources practitioners can gain an appreciation of the meaning of the points and how the treatments.

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8:30 AM08:30



“The skin is the largest sensory organ, and it is exposed to all forms of external radiation, that we don’t see hear or feel, which it has to process.

New brain research describes the brain as a hologram that casts it’s shadow into every cell including skin cells. From that certain “reflex systems” emerge. The face can be compared to a seismic instrument, which records and visualizes our internal attitudes and feelings. The many different zones on the face can reveal to us what is presently going on in the skin.”                                                                  - Peter Mandel

In this workshop we’ll look at various aspects related to treatments for the skin:

  • Facial physiognomy

  • Lung function and the skin

  • Basic skin treatments

  • Acne

  • Wrinkle forms: thinker, fighter, upper lip

  • Scar treatments

  • Cellulite

  • Lifting the breasts

  • The Color Face Mask

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to Sep 29

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 12 (2023)


We finish the training with the Water Element. Overall the Water Element is connected with emotional Focal intoxications. Chief therapeutic concerns are issues with the breasts and related hormonal issues as well as work with Addiction. Also poisonings due to recreational and medical drugs and resulting physical and psychological damage. We conclude the Training with the Certification Test. When you pass the test, you will receive official Certification as an Esogetic Colorpuncture Practitioner from the International Mandel Institute in Zurich, Switzerland.

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8:30 AM08:30


Pericardium Three Heater Meridians


8.30AM- 12.30PM

This six-part class series is a great class for students who are attending the Certification Training or are studying Esogetics but don’t have a basic training in the acupuncture meridians of Chinese medicine. We will make a detailed study of the 12 main meridians of Chinese medicine and spend some time as well with the Eight Extraordinary Meridians which Peter Mandel also uses in his work. Our special focus will be on the points on each channel used by Peter Mandel.

We look at the Chinese meanings of the points and also Peter Mandel’s view based on his own research and the work of De La Fuye and Gerhard Bachman a famous European scientist and acupuncturist who Peter Mandel bases his point understanding on. By looking at the integration of these sources we can all gain a more nuanced appreciation of the meaning of the points and how the treatments work.

In the Point Location series, we make a detailed study of the Chinese meridians with a special focus on the points used by Peter Mandel on each channel.

We look at the meanings of the Chinese points and also the meanings assigned by Peter Mandel based on his own references in the works of Dr. Roger De La Fuye and Gerhard Bachman scientist and acupuncturist.

By looking at the integration of these various resources practitioners can gain an appreciation of the meaning of the points and how the treatments.

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8:30 AM08:30

Comprehensive Pain Therapies Webinar Series: Module I


More people are suffering from chronic pain than from cancer, heart disease and diabetes combined. Chronic pain is complex and there’s no one source of pain: multiple factors contribute to it. Pain is a central issue in all therapy practices and people’s experience and tolerance of pain is  a very personal one.

In Esogetic Colorpuncture we work with three levels that are evaluated and used in the treatment of chronic and acute pain.

1. The Holographic level involves the grid nets in the brain and treated through the skull somatotopies.

2. The Lymph level in which the issue of focal intoxication is central and which can be tested through the Toxic test points.

3. The emotional level relating to blocks in the Amygdala. At this point the shock to the system is no longer a physical trauma but an issue of memory reprogramming the ANS. There are ways in Esogetics to test if this is a factor.

In this four-day class I’ve brought together material from the 2005 Certification Training, the current Certification training and various Pain webinars and updates to create a comprehensive description of the Esogetic approach to the theory and treatment of pain. 


In Module I we will cover:

·      The Esogetic theory of pain including pain research using the therapies.

·      The Holographic concept of the brain.

·      Pain as a model of traumatization including research on neuroscience and trauma in relation to chronic pain.

·      Pain therapy using the OGT Templates

·      Preparatory treatments for pain

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to Aug 25

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 11 (2023)


Later in the weekend we will begin looking at the Air Element: Active Air covering nervous system issues in the arms, brachia and hands and via the link to the Limbic finger emotional aspects of I-You- WE.

 We’ll also look at the aspects of Neutral Air connected with Kidney diseases and filtering of inner stimuli. Passive Air which is connected overuse of energy, and permanent overuse of the brain which leads to cerebral dysfunctions especially in the Thalamus and Medulla operative in systemic diseases and diseases of the spinal chord.

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8:30 AM08:30


Heart Small Intestine Meridian


8.30AM- 12.30PM

This six-part class series is a great class for students who are attending the Certification Training or are studying Esogetics but don’t have a basic training in the acupuncture meridians of Chinese medicine. We will make a detailed study of the 12 main meridians of Chinese medicine and spend some time as well with the Eight Extraordinary Meridians which Peter Mandel also uses in his work. Our special focus will be on the points on each channel used by Peter Mandel.

We look at the Chinese meanings of the points and also Peter Mandel’s view based on his own research and the work of De La Fuye and Gerhard Bachman a famous European scientist and acupuncturist who Peter Mandel bases his point understanding on. By looking at the integration of these sources we can all gain a more nuanced appreciation of the meaning of the points and how the treatments work.

In the Point Location series, we make a detailed study of the Chinese meridians with a special focus on the points used by Peter Mandel on each channel.

We look at the meanings of the Chinese points and also the meanings assigned by Peter Mandel based on his own references in the works of Dr. Roger De La Fuye and Gerhard Bachman scientist and acupuncturist.

By looking at the integration of these various resources practitioners can gain an appreciation of the meaning of the points and how the treatments.

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to Jul 28

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 3 (2024)


The topic for this weekend is Toxic/Lymphatic disorders and all diseases related to focal toxicosis. Treatments are aimed at creating a reaction in the Lymph to regulate acute or chronic inflammations, sudden or chronic pain in the spine, joints or organs, or the poisoning of the body by a focal point in the teeth, tonsils, sinus, ears or one of the lymph centers.

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to Jun 30

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 10 (2023)


Active Earth covers all parts of the Lymph in the head: smell, neck, shoulders, tonsils, sense of taste, larynx glands, mouth. Issues of untreated Focal Intoxication have relevance. Neutral Earth: is concerned with issues of the Large and Small Intestine, digestion in general, Spleen and Peritoneum. Diseases such as Irritable bowel syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, and Crohn’s disease are discussed.

The Passive Earth Element: metabolic disturbances, toxic accumulation, mesenchymal debris accumulation, tendency toward stone formation, gout and pain due to organ degeneration. Pain tendencies include Rheumatism and pain due to organ degeneration.

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to Jun 23


8.30am- 3.30PM PST
COST: $400.00

The Tree of Life is an ancient esoteric structure found in the secret teachings of the Kabballah. It describes the descent of the divine into the manifest world and methods by which the divine union may be attained in this lifetime. It can be viewed as a map of the human psyche, as well as a model of the workings of creation, both manifest and unmanifest.

Years ago, Peter Mandel became interested in exploring how this ancient knowledge could be accessed on the skin using light frequencies, and more recently, crystals. Mandel’s Tree of Life treatments are designed to support individual soul evolution. At the same time, they also help with all physical complaints and quickly reveal the background of those complaints at the level of soul conflicts. Therapies include processes to work with karma and the Bardo using crystals. These treatments put clients in contact with the Bardo of Light or the space between incarnations. They allow clients to sense their original soul-spirit intention and karmic learning for this incarnation.

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to Jun 16

Peter Mandel Update Seminar June 15-16th 2024

Peter Mandel Update Seminar June 15-16th 2024

Sat 9-5 EU time

Sun 9-12pm CET


New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Concepts Combined with Proven Approaches of Esogetic Medicine

Peter Mandel and Markus Wunderlich

In recent years, Esogetic Medicine has been able to correlate new discoveries using the diagnostic assessments of the EEA, the iris diagnosis and visual evaluation with today's research knowledge. In this UpDate seminar, Peter Mandel and Markus Wunderlich will once again integrate new diagnostic and therapeutic considerations with the established experiential knowledge base.

Particularly the modern scientific publications on how we store and process childhood experiences for instance give us a completely new perspective on illness and pain.The increasingly obvious importance of the prefrontal cortex and its probable storage function for all of our experiences, has become prevalent in recent years and has been consistently providing us with new ways of treating.

This has led to new therapeutic protocols that we have been able to implement with great success. Today, we are combining our familiar and successful therapies with these new ideas. This has proven to be a big step forward in the treatment of illness.

During this UpDate seminar, we would therefore like to connect our empirical experiences of the past and the new scientific findings.

The following topics have been planned:

  1. New Connections of the Lymphatic System
    The focus will be on focal intoxication and the remote effect of existing foci in the jaw area.

  2. The Prefrontal Cortex
    An in-depth and expanded view of the therapeutic protocols for the prefrontal cortex and combinations with proven therapies.

    The prefrontal cortex in connection with the central points of the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

  3. New Therapeutic Approaches to the OGT
    The 12 supraordinate points in the OGT field.

  4. The Rhombus of the Explicit Personality
    in connection with the lateral reflex areas of the 4x9 points of the legs.

  5. The Centers of Hearing
    Derived from the 12 cranial positions connected to the top of the skull.

  6. 6. Accompanying Case Histories
    with the evaluation of diagnostic findings. Here Peter Mandel and Markus Wunderlich will demonstrate the connections between the EEA image and the visual diagnosis, as well as the contributions of the numerological and karmic calculations.

Further topics are being prepared.

Daily schedule:

Peter Mandel will present the topics of the UpDate seminar on Saturday and Sunday morning, and Markus Wunderlich will expound on the topics on Saturday afternoon.

Saturday, 06.15.2024 from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm UpDate seminar with Peter Mandel

Saturday, 06.15.2024 from 2 pm to 5.30 pm deeper explorations with Markus Wunderlich

Sunday, 06.16.2024 from 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. UpDate seminar with Peter Mandel

Seminar location:

Achat Hotel in Karlsruhe, Mendelsohnplatz, 76131 Karlsruhe,
Email:, Tel.: +49 (0)721–37170
Room contingents are available under the keyword "Esogetics".

The UpDate seminar will also be available as a live web seminar. As it is sometimes difficult to directly participate in the live seminar due to the time zone differences, we shall make the event available as an online video as soon as possible.

The fee for the live and online versions is the same, and you will receive the comprehensive seminar documentation either way.

The UpDate seminar will be simultaneously translated into Italian and English.

We are looking forward to your participation!

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to Jun 9

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 2 (2024)


In this weekend we will begin studying treatments and methodology for hormonal Endocrine imbalances. Students will be introduced to the theory of Endocrine autonomic dysregulation which has sympathetic and parasympathetic aspects and can eventually trigger functional disturbances of the organs. The person may be clinically healthy but I have problems like blood pressure, headaches, insomnia, menopause or premenstrual symptoms, dizziness, acidity and gastrointestinal stress, cold or clammy extremities. Treatments also support regulation of emotional states such as anxiety, restlessness, mood alterations and depression.

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8:30 AM08:30



Crystals have long been understood to transmit healing information that radiates and by which they interact with other living beings. Since the early 2000’s Peter Mandel began to work with the idea of imprinting custom made Swarovski crystals to work with sick people. The crystals are cut in a particular pattern to act as a cellular interference to balance disorganized information. By opening these patterns treatment procedures are easier for therapists as well as patients.

Peter Mandel’s custom-made crystals create an excellent effect for the treatment of physical and emotional pain. This pain reduction feature and the speed of the reaction is attributed to the faceted cut which creates a reaction and refraction of light that comes from the outside and also the inside of the body.

The treatments presented can regulate brain balance, clear physical and emotional pain, and balance inner tension. These protocols can be easily incorporated into a therapy session.

In the seminar you’ll be:

  • Introduced to the nature of crystals and how they affect the cellular level of organisms via their six-sided shape, the piezoelectric effect and other mathematical aspects.

  • Understand the construction of the crystals and how they emit electromagnetic wave patterns that can create an interference with negative electromagnetic vibrations and erase pathological reactions such as pain.

  • Work with Gold and Silver crystals to balance brain imbalances.

  • Use the Balancing the Nine centers to clear physical and emotional pain.

  • General sequences for well-being and balancing inner tension.

This class is a good preparation for the Crystal Bardo Training in June.

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8:30 AM08:30



Natural age-related decline in hormone production, for example during menopause, is an issue for many men and women. Eighty-five percent of women experience some symptoms and twenty-five percent have symptoms that could be considered severe. A wide variety of symptoms can occur such as sweating, insomnia, emotional instability, loss of libido, mucous membrane breakdown, and food intolerances.

The body’s hormonal system has a comprehensive influence on the well-being and overall performance of our health. Almost all processes in the organism are influenced by hormones, such as metabolism, growth, and reproduction. The immune system and the nervous system are also influenced by our hormonal levels.

Hormones are controlled via sensitive control circuits between the brain and the body, and they can become unbalanced due to a variety of influences and have a wide variety health consequences.

In this seminar, we’ll look at this issue through the Esogetic approach to give you another therapeutic layer to your overall treatment strategies.

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8:30 AM08:30


Liver Gallbladder Meridian


8.30AM- 12.30PM

This six-part class series is a great class for students who are attending the Certification Training or are studying Esogetics but don’t have a basic training in the acupuncture meridians of Chinese medicine. We will make a detailed study of the 12 main meridians of Chinese medicine and spend some time as well with the Eight Extraordinary Meridians which Peter Mandel also uses in his work. Our special focus will be on the points on each channel used by Peter Mandel.

We look at the Chinese meanings of the points and also Peter Mandel’s view based on his own research and the work of De La Fuye and Gerhard Bachman a famous European scientist and acupuncturist who Peter Mandel bases his point understanding on. By looking at the integration of these sources we can all gain a more nuanced appreciation of the meaning of the points and how the treatments work.

In the Point Location series, we make a detailed study of the Chinese meridians with a special focus on the points used by Peter Mandel on each channel.

We look at the meanings of the Chinese points and also the meanings assigned by Peter Mandel based on his own references in the works of Dr. Roger De La Fuye and Gerhard Bachman scientist and acupuncturist.

By looking at the integration of these various resources practitioners can gain an appreciation of the meaning of the points and how the treatments.

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to May 19



In the interpretation of the images of the EEA, we evaluate the dynamic between three layers: matter/body, soul/psychological and spirit/information. In the first three levels of the Kirlian training we study the levels of matter and psyche. In the Intensive trainings we cover the spirit/information level.

The Esogetic Institute has described the Intensive as: “In this seminar we go to the core: the individuality of the human being. Everything we have learned so far serves the purpose to be able as a therapist to approach the client as closely as possible as an individual and an individually reacting being. The more specifically the various healing evaluation cues can be perceived, and the better understanding of the hierarchical levels is, the more obvious the best holistic solutions and the resulting therapeutic success will be. Therapy resistance challenges us to continuously create new options- not only for therapy, but also especially for our perceptive ability to grasp the individuality.

Thus the education of the inner eye is the topic of this training. In order to gain clarity and confidence in our choice of therapy, we need the certainty of our healing evaluation skills.

The main topics of the Intensive week are:

  • Interpretation of the spiritual topography.

  • The meaning of the hierarchical structure.

  • The interconnectedness of the three levels: matter, energy and information.

  • The therapies that result from the from the dominant phenomenology.

  • Repeated exercises in the interpretation of the EEA picture.

  • The connection of the basic patterns and principles with the phenomenology.

  • The symbolism of the reaction test and it’s importance for the choice of therapy.

  • The procedure in therapy resistance, especially in cases that show only partial success.

  • Holistic therapeutic approaches for very severe conditions in the EEA picture.

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to May 5

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 9 (2023)


Fire patterns are differentiated into Active, Neutral and Passive aspects. Active Fire is connected with issues of the brain, head, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth and sexuality. On the psychological level Active Fire is connected with the loss of inner vision and over orientation to the outer world. The head opposes the gut and Beta brain waves predominate. Neutral Fire is for spine and digestive functions in regards to metabolism and gastrointestinal complaints. Also problems with obesity and allergies.

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to Apr 28

Online Colorpuncture Certification: Module 1 (2024)


In this segment of the Training students are introduced to a series of Evaluation techniques used to determine treatment protocols. Systems used include: the tongue, facial physiognomy including a detailed reading of the lips, iris and conjunctival reading. We will also look in detail at a pressure testing method for the fingertips, feet and back segments for assessing organ capacity. These methods are based on German naturopathic systems with special reference to Peter Mandel’s main mentors including Joseph Angerer and Anton Magraff.

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